Please Note: The views expressed by the authors of this blog are personal and independent. They do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of the adjoining authors or of the blog as a whole.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Getting Back On Track

       On the morning of January 1st I walked into the bathroom, took off my pajamas, and stepped on the scale.

251.2 pounds

I was in shock, but at the same time there was no actual reason for me to be the least bit surprised at seeing the number glaring back at me from the scale's face. I knew I had terrible eating habits. I knew that exercise wasn't a word that could even come close to describing any of my daily activities. I spent every day living out the same routine: wake up, eat breakfast (3 eggs, two slices of toast slathered in butter, and a cup of coffee with so much cream and sugar you could barely tell it was even coffee), go to work, sit at my desk for 4 and a half hours where I would inevitably need some kind of snack, go on my lunch break (usually a ham sandwich with cheese and mayo, way too many chips on the side), watch videos on my phone until it was time to go back to work, another afternoon snack of some kind,  home for dinner, and finally to finish it all off dessert during an evening of TV time.

       This was every day, with very little deviation. If you asked me why I lived like this I would tell you I didn't go outside because the heat gets to me really badly, or I'm too picky to eat anything really healthy, maybe that my asthma would get in the way of trying to be active. I made excuses for my unhealthy lifestyle constantly... but then I saw that number. 251.2 was unimaginable. I just couldn't believe I had let things get this bad. It was time to stop making excuses and make a real change.

       So, on January 2nd I re-downloaded the MyFitnessPal app for the first time in about 5 years and began to log every single thing that I ate or drank. I used a food scale at every meal. I bought a Fitbit and started forcing myself to go on walks throughout the day. I struggled so much at first. I tried mentally comparing the portion sizes for my food to what I used to eat and I was disgusted with myself, but I couldn't focus on what I used to do. I had to focus on what I needed to do from here on out.

       Now you may remember those excuses I mentioned before, in particular the one about the picky eating. I hate vegetables. I like very few fruits. I hate nuts and most carbs that are not white rice or potatoes. I'm sure you can imagine the difficulty I faced trying to balance the need for a healthy diet with an extremely limited palate. I've been working to slowly introduce some more diverse options into my meals, and while not always successful it has led to the addition of a few new favorites. For one, I have discovered that onions are beyond amazing. I used to meticulously pick through any meals that contained them until I had uncovered and removed every single piece, and now almost every single dinner I make contains onions. It may be a tiny victory but it's still progress.

       Horseradish, Cheddar, and Caramelized Onion Stuffed Burgers are such an easy and flavorful dinner after a crazy day at work. Ellie Krieger and her amazing healthy recipes have made this journey so much easier for me. The balance between healthiness and flavor is so perfect. The most important part of this whole journey so far has been trying to find that balance. I know as soon as I begin to feel deprived is when I will fail, so measuring everything and keeping proper portion sizes in mind is of the utmost importance. Craving something a little decadent but don't want to worry too much about your calories? Try Lemon Garlic Marinated Lamb Chops with a mix of mashed potatoes, celery root, and parsnips on the side for one of the most delicious meals you'll ever have... and still come in at under 500 calories for the whole meal.


       This lovely little chart is my journey so far. There have been many ups and downs and I still have a very long way to go (58.2 lbs to be precise), but I'm proud of how far I've come and the changes I've been able to make. 
251.2lbs January 2017
220lbs March 2017

165lbs, January through May 2012

       At my lowest weight I was 165lbs. This was in the first half of 2012. I was active, happy, and (in relative terms) healthy. I had the energy to do the activities I loved and I felt confident in my own skin. I hate that I let myself stray so far but I can get there again. I know that not only can I reach my lowest weight but I can surpass it as well. I'm starting with a goal of 160lbs by October of this year. I have lost 33 out of 91.2 pounds in 3 months so as of this moment I am right on track. It's hard and it's only going to get harder, but I can't wait to share with you guys when I get there. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hamilton and Spring Cleaning

My name is Jody Neeley.  I am a wife and a mother to four kiddo's, own a CNA company and have a BSN where I work as a registered nurse on a chronically ill pediatric floor.  That is my story.  That is my story on the outside and what I can sum myself up to in a few lines.  However, I have been thinking so much more lately about Who am I really and what kind of legacy do I leave behind?  I know this is a bit deep, but hear me out.  

When I told Jessica I would guest narrate I had just been given an edited version of the music to the Broadway Musical, Hamilton.  I turned it on and I was deeply immersed in it immediately and fell in love with the lyrics, the story and the quick wit and skill of the talented cast and the writer, Lin-Manuel Miranda.  When Jessica told me she wanted me to focus on Spring Cleaning I immediately knew I had to somehow tie in my new found geeky love of this musical.  So, how does Spring Cleaning tie into a Broadway Musical?  
Keep reading to find out! 😉

One of my goals this year was to spend more time spending time with what matters most.  I believe we all have a plethora of time wasters at our disposal.  Take a moment and think of your typical day.  What do you spend most of your time doing?  Think for a moment about how tweaking a few things could really help you hone back to something that has a deeper meaning to you.  Maybe it is taking time to further develop a talent, maybe it is spending more time in nature, or with those you love, writing in a journal or a blog, photography.  When you are with those you love taking a few moments to focus on really being there for them.  For a friend, a spouse, a child, a parent etc.  Really finding out who you are.   I know for me I definitely want to instill some important life lessons into my children. Having this view this year really has helped me to take time to "smell the roses" and prioritize my time better.  There is always time for what matters most and by getting rid of some of those time wasters in my life I have found this.  During my Spring Cleaning of getting rid of more time wasters in my schedule I have definitely found the time to do more of what I love and what in the big picture is more important To me.

So, as you contemplate that, what is a Legacy?  A definition I found states that it is "a record or account of what an individual achieved during their life, career or role in public office".  

You have probably heard about "the dash".  The dash on your headstone, between your date of birth and date of death.  So much is accomplished in the "dash".  What are you accomplishing in yours?

Image result for hamilton the musical

Let's get back to Hamilton.  
As the play ends it asks the audience directly, “Who tells your story?”
Here is a brief synopsis of the end of the play that I found online to help paint a better picture. Hamilton is a Broadway Musical set back in the time of America first becoming to be and is historically based and true.   I would invite you all to listen and join in on one of my newfound favorites.  
Hamilton the man and Hamilton the musical are both concerned with historiography and legacy—how we view, understand, and remember the past. As Aaron Burr notes in “The World was Wide Enough,” “History obliterates in every picture it paints.” You have no control over who tells your story, and after death, your story is all that’s left. What’s left other than the memories we helped make before we exited the stage? What is our ultimate legacy beyond the things we create and the words we leave behind?
Is it any wonder then that Hamilton would write like he was running out of time? 
He was. 
So are we all.
Some closing thoughts:
For two centuries, Hamilton’s role as a Founding Father has been clouded in obscurity by many factors: his dying early and in a sensational way, his awkward social position as an immigrant outsider to the Colonies, his political enemies outliving him and purposefully minimizing his work, the fact that his work is so dense and complex as to be unintelligible to the layman. However, time proved him right, and history has come to appreciate him more and more as we continue to feel the effects and, in turn, rediscover the details of his life and work.
This would not have been possible without his wife, Eliza’s careful curation of his legacy. However, even as she ensured Hamilton was not totally forgotten, much of the detail about her herself has been lost due to her own marginalized place in the historical fabric, as a woman. Yes, in the play, Eliza burns her letters, and Chernow believes she destroyed them. But the truth is, for some unknown reason, we have very little of Eliza’s personal writing, and for decades upon decades, no one lamented her missing voice. It’s only very recently that scholarship has begun to take an active and rigorous interest in the lives and significance of historical women.
However, Hamilton fought to make his contributions to America, and Eliza worked tirelessly to make her own in her turn, and as time has gone on, the arc of the moral universe bending toward justice, people who went into the annals of history looking for traces of themselves where their people had previously been purposefully overlooked, have found themselves in finding people like the Hamiltons again, in writing books about them, creating plays like this about them, and thus, writing themselves and their antecedents back into the narrative of history.
Hamilton tells us that you have to do your best to tell your story, and then you have to find a way to let go, and let time take care of the rest.

I love that.  Tell your story, find a way to let it go and let time take care of the rest.  What will your story be?  Who will tell it for you and how can you now take an active roll in creating your legacy?  Surely Spring cleaning a few time wasters will be worth it in the end on your way to becoming what you envision yourself to be.  I have found so many tips on time management online.  Some of my favorites are coming up with a schedule and making goals.  My sister Jenny has recently started journaling her day with bullet journal.  Look it up on Pinterest. Great way to manage a day and also a wonderful way to journal and have as a keep sake.  This is something I am wanting to do.  I find that with lists I can better accomplish my goals.  In order to accomplish goals you first have to create them.  Spring is a perfect time for new birth and new goals and some light cleaning of what is not necessary in our lives.  Because, even though it may sound crazy to be thinking about leaving a legacy when we die - it is the only way to work toward what we want to be by "cleaning up" the moments of today.  There is no time like the present.

Hamilton Music

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring Cleaning and New Beginnings


I really need to tackle my closet...I have shoes parading all across the floor, too small clothes piled in a corner to give away, and purses and other stuff piled on the shelves every which way.  I find myself wearing the same stuff all the time cause I can't find what I want so I just grab what's closest and shut the door.

We moved here a little over a year ago from Scottsdale, Arizona and I still have boxes to be unpacked and we won't even mention the state the garage is in.

So you can see I find it very hard to do "spring cleaning" but since I'm retired I figure I have the whole year to get it done.

But there is one area that I do love to work in, and that's my yard and garden.  I have been busy cleaning out and de-weeding flower beds and putting in new plants.  Coming from Arizona where my garden consisted of three rose bushes that I babied constantly and sometimes grass, Florida is so green and things grow here.  I've learned the difference between annuals and perennials and also made the acquaintance of red ants...ouch....It just shows that you are never too old to learn something new.  I love planting flowers as well as herbs, tomatoes, and jalapeños.  There is something innately satisfying about playing in the dirt and then later eating the fruits of your labors.  I spend a lot of time on my patio enjoying the sight and smell of the flowers I've planted and that is where I do most of my deep thinking, and this is where I made the jump from new beginnings of my flowers and plants to the new beginnings in my life.

Let's start at the beginning.  When I married nearly 50 years ago I started a beginning of a marriage with all its ups and downs, highs and lows, compromises and growth.  I learned.  Next I started a beginning of being a Mom.  No playbook was given so I loved and trusted my instincts to protect these babies and to give them all I had.  At times it was hard but there were many more joyful times.  I learned.  Then I became a teacher of "littles", pre-k and kinder.  I loved my little people and enjoyed collaborating with other women.  I learned.  Next came being a grandma, one of the greatest joys in my life and the love I feel for them is unlike anything I have ever felt.  I learned.  Then came retirement and I had to share days that used to be my own with my husband and have some around all the time.  I learned.

Now I am at another beginning, trying to build a life here in Florida.  We moved here to be close to daughters and grandchildren and I love that part.  I can watch them grow and mature into great and wonderful people.  I love my new home and enjoy decorating and gardening.  I love spending time with my husband and exploring new places to visit and eat.  I love being an annual pass holder at Disney and just taking off for the day.  But I miss my friends of 40+ years and my church family where my girls were baptized, received sacraments and were married and even went to school.  I miss my neighbors and people I worked with.  I miss lunches with girlfriends and cards with other couples.
It's hard to make new friends at my age or find other couples with the same interests we do.  It's easy when you're young and have small children, or kids in school.  It's a lot harder when your "mature" and living in a new place.  Any suggestions would be welcome cause I'm trying to learn.

Something to think about:

What beginning am I in now?
What have I learned from my past beginnings?

And yes, I am still trying to learn how to put pictures on here.

Monday, March 20, 2017

A Fresh Start

Guess what!? We made it through this “long” winter. Today is the first day of Spring! The two feet of snow that was dumped upon us last week has now melted to at least half the size and my kitchen floors are feeling the after effects of muddy paw prints flying through the doors. However, I am not here to talk to you about mopping floors, organizing your cupboards or wiping the dust from the top of those ceiling fans (you know the ones I’m talking about 😉). Instead, I thought it would be good to write a little about cleaning up my rusty inner workings and the steps I’m taking to organize myself after going from work life to stay at home life. 

I assumed that after getting my new-found spare time out of my system (I gave myself a week to “rest”) that I would suddenly snap my fingers and the house would be in order, meals always cooked, baby content and the puppy all tuckered out by the time my husband arrived home. I have always loved planning, but lack the skills of organization. I went to Target and got myself a fun new little planner and some new pens, the fancy ones with the gel ink that glides oh so smoothly. I cleared out the calendar on my phone and deleted my alarm settings. A fresh start, that’s what I wanted.

Instead of waking up one morning and having the answer to all my organizationally challenged problems. I found myself struggling to get motivated during the day. I realized that while I was working all the stuff I needed to do around the house got pushed to the wayside, because weekends were for resting and there was no other time to do it all. A normal work week for me looked something like this: Wake up at 5am with just enough time to get myself ready before waking my son at 5:30, getting him dressed fed and in the car by 6:00. We’d arrive home in the evening and it would be time to feed Oliver and put him to bed by 6:30 or 7pm just to wake up and repeat again. With not much time to myself between waking hours and sleep hours my energy was at an all-time low. Now that I am not working, I have more energy. I also realize, that I have MORE work since I am now living in the space I had been neglecting for so long. Talk about a Spring clean out! ­

It has been a little over 4 weeks now that I have been home (although one week was spent in NH visiting family). It didn’t take too long to realize that I needed to get the house back to square one to be able to keep up with it as I should. For bigger projects, I have given myself the task of one week to accomplish them. After all, what’s the rush? I tackled organizing the nursery last week. Putting away clothes that were way too small. Separating the ones that I wanted to give away and the ones that I would put into a bin if we have more kids down the road. I dusted, vacuumed and hung what was left of his clothes that currently fit. This helps give me a timeline to follow and continue with once I am done. Next I will tackle the guest room which has turned into a catch all. Everything that doesn’t currently have a place in our home ends up there. Giving myself a week has helped tasks not seem overwhelming. I still have my son’s little music class each week and swim will soon be added to that. I also have class for our pup two evenings a week, not to mention time with him each day for training. 

I am still a work in progress, but this is a list of other things I currently do to organize my life a bit better.

  • Wake up at 6:30am every morning. Except for Saturday! That’s the day I get to sleep in.
  • Meal plan every Saturday and grocery shop. At least 3 bigger suppers a week, leftovers and easy stuff on the weekends. I LOVE cooking and baking.
  • Leave time to work out. My energy is so much better when I give myself 30 minutes a day to walk, complete T25 or lift weights.j
  • No napping! If I take a nap, then I find I stay up too late and am even more tired the next day.

Here are some things to ponder as you go through this fresh new week of spring! Look at how you keep yourself organized and what you do to keep your energy up. What are things you can change for the better? What should stay the same? How do you take care of yourself?

1.       What is on your list for keeping yourselves organized? Any tips for this newly stay at home mama?
2.       How are you working ladies keeping yourselves organized?
3.       What do you feel you give up (by working or staying home) to keep the peace and stay sane at home?
4.       What can you do to take care of yourself each day and keep your energy going?

You can share with us here in a comment or in our conversation group on Facebook. We would love to hear from you!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Small Business Spotlight :: Daisy al'Ahmad Daisymade Paper Arts

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” Romans 5:3-5

Daisy (47),  is a Wichita-native artisan paper-crafter, who has the unique ability to turn her interests into income!  Since she was a teenager, Daisy has been constantly running some sort of business.  Her Christian faith has become an integral part of who she is, and how she runs her business. 

“Because I have suffered from chronic pain and illness for the last fifteen years, I have not been able to take on a more traditional working role.  So the ability to work from home and set my own hours is a huge blessing.”

I believe that God has given me a real gift.  He knew that I would struggle with my health problems, and that I would need to have a home-based business, not just for income, but for my sanity.  I can be overwhelming, even depressing, to deal with chronic illness and pain.  I don’t think that I would have been able to cope with any of it without the Lord’s provision.  The artistic and motivational gifts that He has given me have empowered me to overcome the adversity that lie has thrown at me, and have turned tragedy into beautiful and significant gems of accomplishment, both artistically and financially.”

Even with a strong sense of purpose, things have not always been easy for Daisy.  She has had to sacrifice time spent with her family & ministry- but she feels strongly that she can use that trial as an opportunity to share her positivity. 

I’ve surprised myself in my ability to adapt my product to suit the current market and still be effectively doing what I love.  I focus on constantly trying to improve my craft and my knowledge of business.”

Daisy hopes to eventually include more faith-based items in her shop- and eventually help her daughters to get involved, or mentor others who would like to work for themselves.  First she’s working on organization.  As a one-woman-show, she needs to be able to create products in a timely manner and organization will make that easier!

I love what I do. Putting my art out there is an opportunity to reach out to the world instead of receding into myself.  I put a lot of love into each piece of art that I make.  I can actually be a very spiritual experience, as I focus on detail work, listening to praise and worship music, I feel like I’m sharing a part of who God made me with others.  I stick with it because I feel ‘called’ to.  It’s just one of the many ways I can reach out in love to a loveless world, one piece of art at a time.”

When Daisy isn’t working, on her business, she is thinking about her business!  She and her husband have been married for 23 years.  Together they have two daughters, Alice (21) who is married to Justin, and Sophia (140, who is a high school freshman and home schooled!  Daisy also co-parents three furbabies Mabel (a beagle), Savanah aka “Savvie” (a Jack Russell Terrior), and Achaelus (a Border Collie Mix).  She enjoys playing Candy Crush, reading, and writing.

“I’m extremely creative and imaginative, so it doesn’t take much for me to find an excuse to express those gifts in one form or another.  My mind and emotions need to be constantly in action.”


Daisy’s husband, Nasser,  is one of her greatest sources of inspiration.  Nasser converted to Christianity from Islam, and together they work to educated & equip their church to reach out in love to their Muslim neighbors, and to others who are different from them, without fear. 

“I’m deeply inspired by my husband, Nasser.  He is my biggest fan and that is a real encouragement to me.  He is the one that encourages me to pursue my heart’s dreams regardless of my physical circumstances.  He supports my decisions, ‘Ooohs’ and ‘awwws’ over my art, and never complains when I want or need to work in y studio for hours at a time.”

You can shop Daisy's current products, or contact her for custom pieces through her Etsy shop Daisymade Paper Arts!

Monday, March 13, 2017

A Few Of My Favorite Things

       Writing has never been something I've felt overly confident with, at least not for anything longer than a few sentences. My first two posts on To Each Their Own were very difficult for me. I struggled with opening up about identity in my introduction and then even more so after my attempt to write about A Day Without A Woman. I felt so incredibly isolated from the women in this group, even feeling like the kid whose mom has to call all the other kid's parents to tell them to play nice. 

       These last few weeks have been especially trying as my health has been doing a fun little roller coaster. For years I have suffered from various stomach issues, but lately they've been joined with severe abdominal and side pains, dizziness, extreme fatigue, and a distinct reduction in my ability to concentrate. Some of these issues are being addressed after recent blood work but for the most part the pain is still a mystery. 

       It has been frustrating to say the last. I have felt the urge to give up more times than I could even begin to count, but every time there has been someone there to help me get back on my feet. I am always amazed at my friends and their ability to see the best in me when I am feeling my worst. So that all being said I'd like to take the time today to share two things that bring me joy, both as a personal reminder and in hopes that they can bring you a few moments of contentment as well. 

My Cats

       I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I am a self-proclaimed crazy cat lady. I have five beautiful fur babies that help me every day to focus on the good. They are (in order of acquirement and in the photos below) Lily, Sashay, Jake, Elwood, and Katinka.
I know, I know. I have a weird taste in names for pets. Heck, I even had a fish named Tarquin once if you don't think the others are that bad. 

These little fuzz balls are always there when I need someone to talk to or cuddle with. They provide endless hours of entertainment with their antics and when I'm home sick in bed or find myself feeling so exhausted I can barely make it through the day they will lay with me until I'm ready to get up. I love them so much. They are the (very fuzzy) light of my life.


     I have had a camera practically glued to my hand since high school ended. Looking back on old photos this wasn't always a great thing, although I was so darn proud at the time. But as I continue to take photos I can definitely see the progress that I have made and having a wonderful network of supportive friends has been a huge part of that. Even though my health has kept me from doing photography as a full time gig, and lately shooting even more sporadically than usual, photography continues to provide me with a sense of fulfillment. Just yesterday in fact I pushed through the pain and went to Disney for The Flower and Garden Festival so that I could take photos. I probably spent a solid hour just in the butterfly garden before heading around the World Showcase.

       Nature photography is my all time favorite, being able to go out and capture these little pieces of the world.  Being surrounded by local and state parks (in addition to having things like the Flower and Garden Festival or Animal Kingdom only an hour away) gives me ample opportunities to photograph these beautiful creatures. 

       I've been asked many times to take photos for friends and family as well, whether it be for special events or just family photos. Those are a lot more nerve-wracking and I'm always terrified that I won't live up to the expectations, but when I see them sharing the photos after and the joy having those memories can provide it makes every bit of anxiety worth it. Now, bear in mind, that doesn't make the anxiety any less for next time, but that is a whole other issue in and of itself. It is my goal to keep trying, despite the mental roadblocks, and to focus on the positive even when it seems like it's impossible. 

       It's been a rough day, and I am sorry for the lateness of this post, but it would make me so happy to hear a few of the things that lighten your spirits when things aren't going your way. You can share them here in the comments or in the conversation group on Facebook: 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Small Business Spotlight :: Norwex with Kimberly Higdon

In October of 2013, Kimberly Higdon (33), received some product samples that changed everything about the way she cleans her house.

In an age of “green-living”, Kimberly believes chemicals are responsible for a large amount of bodily harm, and has a strong desire to educate others of those harmful effects and provide healthy alternatives. The discovery of Norwex has sub-sequentially launched her on a journey to begin her own business & share what she has learned with those around her.

“I believe our bodies are temples and what we do to them or put on them effects our health.”

Norwex is a brand of household products with a "chemical-free" mission.  Their products consist largely of a special kind of micro-fiber cloth that requires only water to clean!  Silver in some of the cloths has anti-bacterial properties to give users peace of mind on even the yuckiest of surfaces. 

As a Science teacher, teaching comes second-nature to Kim. “I am an educator to the soul, whether it’s my full time day job or my night and weekend job.”  She shares her information in person through in-home Norwex “parties” where hostesses can earn free products, and through her Facebook Group Higdon Norwex Fanatics where customers can ask questions, share experiences, and purchase products.

Kimberly with her mom- who sent her first Norwex samples!

Kimberly aspires to eventually move-up to the next level of being a leader and have other consultants under her.  This would mean more teaching opportunities, in addition to potentially providing the necessary income to pay for daycare as she and her husband expand their family some day in the future.

Her next step is to develop a stronger system for communicating with past customers & develop strong relationships that leaves them feeling confident to use their new products & explore new ways to reduce chemical-use in their day to day living.

A few months ago- Kimberly was given a challenge to call or message 100 people about her business & Norwex products.  “The point was for us to get used to hearing the word no. After a while, hearing no didn’t seem too bad.”  As a consultant in the world of direct-sales marketing, Kimberly has a genuine love for her business and Norwex products that sets her apart.

Kimberly with her husband Brandon

“I don’t have one particular person that inspires me, but strong-willed people tend to inspire me.  They make me push past any moments of weakness I may have and continue to push me.”

When Kimberly isn’t working on her business, she enjoys working out, playing with her dog, cooking great meals, being crafty, and basking at the beach.

Kimberly with her fur-baby Diamond

If you are interested in learning more about Norwex- you can join her Facebook group here!
Mention this blog post to receive FREE shipping on your next order! 

If you aren't ready to shop, but you're still feeling inspired to make a change- you can visit Norwex Movement to earn points and help charitable causes!