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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Two and a Half-er

Hi! Hola! Bonjour! Thank you for joining us! My name is Bianca. I am 22. I have been married to my husband for almost three years now! Well, just over two and a half. It just isn’t fair to those who have ACTUALLY been married for three years to have a two and a half-er claiming a three year marriage status. After all, marriage is NOT easy. So I willingly retract that “three years” comment.
Here are some important experiences and facts that have shaped who I am today:
I was born in Camden, NJ. Interesting and sad fact: Camden, at some point, was rated the fourth most dangerous city in the US.
I was raised in New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and Florida! I speak Spanish and a little French. A very little. I do consider myself a Floridian now.
I spent a portion of younger years in foster care. Years later, I reunited with my father and two of my siblings. Then I reunited with my mother and more siblings!
I have two older sisters, two younger sisters, and one younger brother. One of my younger sisters is adopted into another family and lives in Puerto Rico. She’s utterly obsessed with Justin Bieber.
I am an aunt to two girls, and three boys!
I love to dance, but never get a chance to. I love salsa, hip-hop, swing, ballet, and tap. My ankles are still recovering from my ballet years. If I’d only known!  Somebody, please invite us out to dance!
Here I am dancing at our wedding to Shakira’s Waka-Waka something song. One of my favorites!
I attended the University of South Florida where I studied Advertising and Marketing for just under 2 years. I haven’t graduated. Don’t know if I ever will. I’ve yet to find a good personal reason to go back. There's a possibility I'll go back years from now and pick up where I left off with Advertising. We'll see.
I’d like to start my own business someday. Something that involves hands on creativity and design.
I met my husband at Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens during a group outing for some of the singles (like myself) in the church. We flirted. We became friends and stalked each other on Facebook for about a week. Now we’re married. That’s usually how it works, right?
Our son was born to us on July 5th , 2011. His name is Jesse. He’ll be two very soon!
Here we are together with our new baby for the first time! We were so proud!

Look at how happy and exhausted I look!
My son has some physical and mental challenges. He was diagnosed with infantile spasms, which we are still trying to get rid of with ACTH. He also has some congenital deformities cause by Amniotic Band Syndrome. He meets with therapists five times a week. He works out more than I ever will! He is incredibly happy most of the time and has an inspiring motivation to be independent!
Here is in his fairly new gait trainer. He loves going out for walks.

Daddy swinging him high!
I have Hoshimoto's Chronic Thyroiditis. It just means that my body has antibodies that attack my thyroid glad, causing it to misfire and get aggravated. The side effect I struggle with the most is anxiety and lack of energy. Often, I feel great! It's unpredictable.
I design, make, and sell tutu dresses and accessories on It’s a hobby that pays. I work at night once the little guy is snoozing away in the comfort of his crib.
 This picture sums up my work. This is the Ella Belle  Birthday Tutu Dress.
I love to sew. I am not very good at it yet, but I love to learn.
I am Mormon. I have been a Mormon since August of 2009, two days before leaving my small home town, Palatka, FL, to head to college.
My days are usually pretty jam packed! Scheduling and going to doctors’ appointments. Making tutu dresses. Cleaning. Washing. Bathing. Diaper Changing. You know, the usual!
Here is Jesse with his hand surgeon, Dr. Hess, admiring his new and improved hand with separate fingers!
After the day's chaos has subsided and I’ve successfully cribbed the toddler, I usually sit on the couch and weigh my failures and triumphs.
I usually feel a bit of separation anxiety (this never fails to surprise me, but he IS with me ALL the time!).
I decide whether I deserve to relax and watch an episode or two of One Upon A Time and Dancing With The Stars OR do some more chores. Despite the outcome, I try to remind myself to “Never let a problem to be solved, become more important than a person to be loved,” as Thomas S. Monson once said.

When I remember that, I have to redefine and reexamine my triumphs and failures. Did I love my baby and husband enough today? Yes? Great! No? I’ll do better tomorrow. We can always count on the sun to rise again! At least here in Florida we can!
First portrait as a family
Well, I hope that something about me and my experiences will in some way make you feel at peace with your abilities and potential as a mom and individual. I hope that you are able to feel that you’re not alone in your journey.
I hope that you may acquire stronger feelings of individuality, affirmation, and confidence in your personal parenting methods. Hopefully you’ll feel some sense of safety from the unyielding societal influences that we moms are often bombarded with.
Thank you for getting to know me! Hope you have a simple, complication-free day! Oh, and who cares if you didn’t have time to shower today?! Maybe your husband… But, hey! He’ll still love you! (:

Woo-hoo! I'm introduced!



  1. Cute post Bianca! I almost claimed to be 5 years married but we're just under 4 1/2 officially so I also decided that wouldn't be fair. Haha! We will miss you until you come back blogging!

  2. Hi! Man, Hashimotos is a BEAST! My SIL suffers from it. Thyroids are so finicky! Its amazing how much of our bodies theycontrol.

    I look forward to getting to know you more. I love learning about special need kiddos (please dont take that the wrong way!). It broadens my view as a mama and a person.

    1. Yes, it is! It's no fun! During my last endocrine visit, my doctor told me that my numbers look good. So, I've been pretty well!

      I don't take that the wrong way! I share your same curiosity and interest! (:

      Thanks for the comment!

  3. Thanks, Jess! Yeah, it wasn't till I was almost done with the blog that I started to feel guilty. lol. I look forward to returning! I reread and fixed a few typos. Feel free to Facebook me if you see something I don't!

  4. Um, can you ALL please quit with the guilt over marriage years thing? I am not even going to say how long I've been will only indicate my age, which we aren't discussing.

    Lovely post Bianca! So fun getting to see all the sweet pictures of your handsome little guy!

    And shower? What a peculiar concept.

  5. Bianca! I love you! From the moment I met you I knew Jesse was meant to have you as a mother. You are truly wonderful and such a Christ-like individual. I'm glad you will be writing on the blog because I know I will learn so much from you. :)

  6. It was fun reading about you and getting know you a bit, your son is so adorable!


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