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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

No Shave November- Guest post by Ashley

From Duck Dynasty to Ron Swanson, men now and days are rocking the facial hair like it’s 1886. The “mane” topic for the past few years has been the famous “No Shave November” and “Movember.” This is where men get to show off how manly they are by how bushy their ‘staches get!

Meet my awesome husband: Luke
  I, myself, have been privileged to witness my own husband and his two best friends support “Movember,” three years back, which is just growing a mustache, whereas “No shave November” is growing a full Mumford and Sons beard. I had to endure a full month of him growing an itchy caterpillar right below his nose, and every time he kissed me, I would sneeze (and if you know my side of the family, our whole bodies shake like earthquakes and we go blind for a few seconds afterwards). Although, the nice thing about his mustache, is that he would get free grilled cheese every “Mustache” Monday at the local burger joint; the only luxury of living in a small, indie college town in Idaho. Plus, who doesn’t love free food, no matter how below average it is?

We call this picture "Uncle Rico after Thanksgiving" We all know that Uncle who lazily sits and watches football after dinner.
I also fully enjoyed having children, in our church in primary that we taught; ask if Luke was my dad because he looked SO dang old. But, Luke loved his mustache so much, that we went out for a photo opt in the community showing his true ‘stache pride, and whatever he loves, I love too.  Now looking back on it, I just want to say, “Hey, Look! I stuck around! Now we’ve been married for 2 ½ years!” It’s actually scientifically proven that women find men more attractive with facial hair and I will admit, Luke looked pretty manly with that giant, thick Luigi Bros. mustache of his.

These are the "pedophiles" I'm talking about...(Luke and his friends, who are really NOT pedophiles. haha).
Despite the fact that most men with thick facial hair look like pedophiles (see picture), or lumber jacks, there’s actually a bigger issue to it all. Although it seems fun to grow out your facial hair (I mean, c’mon, what woman hasn’t imagined herself with a sweet ‘stache?), it all started in Australia in ’04 when a group of men decided not to shave for the whole month of November, to raise awareness for prostate cancer and depression amongst men. “The month of November is blocked off for a time when men and women donate the money they usually spend on shaving and grooming for a month to educate about cancer prevention, saving lives and helping to fight the battle.” I feel like, we forget that men have these stressful problems too. I, myself, have not had to endure such scary matters with any men on either side of my, or my husband’s family, but it is no laughing matter or something to shrug off. Like most women who get screened and checked at least once a year for breast cancer, men should do the same for prostate cancer, if they want to stay on top of their health.

Now, when Jess asked me to be a guest blogger on how “No Shave November” has impacted my life, I didn’t actually realize the seriousness behind it all. I thought it was some random, new hipster thing to do, but like I said, I was ignorant of the subject. So, this article is not going to turn into a depressing story or anything, but it’s important for everyone to be informed about the subject!

Please enjoy a picture of my husband posing with an old ladies fox fur coat. The coat is a long story, ask me later.
It doesn’t have to be depressing, in fact, those who participate in “No Shave November” or “Movember” have lots of fun! There’s a competition every year for the craziest beards and/or mustaches (which was on November 2, this year in Germany) and even women can participate in “No Shave November,” by not shaving their legs. I actually used to have roommates in college who would do this every year and I would get super grossed out, until I tried it the following year. Somehow, it felt fresh, liberating and you start trying to protest on how women’s standards of shaving legs should be legally banned. Then, you get married…and I’m still a newlywed and therefore am still self conscience of the spikes on my legs when I don’t shave. Too much information? Thought so :) .
All in all, have fun with “No Shave November” and be aware and informed of it! And Happy “Movember” and of course Happy Thanksgiving!

Part of the World Beard and Mustache Championships

THE END…or FIN, for those fancy people out there.
Oh, and this is to show that my husband really isn’t creepy. He’s actually very handsome 
Luke & I
~ Ashley


  1. Personally, I detest facial hair. My husband, however, loves growing it out. I normally demand for him to keep it clean shaven. So whenever "Movember" comes around, I let him have his fun. He gets to grow it out as long as he wants for 30 days. Then it's bye-bye hair!

  2. O-M-Gosh! Hahahahah! Love this, Ash. So HUH-larious! I agree with Skye about the facial hair, but it's nice to know that the reason behind No shave November was actually something important. lol Love you!!


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