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Friday, July 19, 2013

Way down to Kokomo...

"Where is Kokomo?", "Can we go there?", "Now?” I asked my dad these innocent questions back in the summer of 1988 as I listened to the Beach Boy's song on the radio (You know, “Aruba, Jamaica, oooooo I wanna take ya…” yup, that Beach Boys’ song).

My dad laughed at me. To prove to him how serious I was about going to this beach paradise called Kokomo, (located somewhere in the distant Florida Keys, or so those Beach boys told me), that summer, I learned ALL of the song's lyrics. (Imagine an eight-year-old ME, running around singing the song, while combing my JEM doll’s hair and sporting my 80’s crimped hairdo). Ahh yes, the days when MTV played REAL music videos. 

Unfortunately, we did not end up going to Kokomo. *Sidenote: I found out that when the Beach boys sang about famous Kokomo, it wasn’t even a real place in the Florida Keys, which is kind of what the whole song was about. Whhuhhh?! Yes. It is true. There is a Kokomo, Indiana, but sadly no, not where I envisioned spending my summer. Silly Beach boys. Kokomo might as well have been the North Pole to me. Yeesh.

Even though Kokomo didn’t happen for me, I still have a lot of great summer memories. My summer faves, like my hair color, have changed a lot throughout the years. But there are some that will always be special to me. Like when my dad would grill on breezy, summer afternoons, or when we all went out for ice-cream sundaes together, when we could run like mad through ice-cold sprinklers and embarrassingly "gracefully" stumble on slip 'n slides, or when I would spend lazy days on the couch pouring over as many books as I could get my hands on. 

Those care-free days seemed to last much longer back then. And while I have many other fabulous and poignant summer reminiscences, there are a few that make me want to linger a little longer in my daydreams and just smile a little more. It has become important to me to keep these memories alive, and what better way to do that than through my own kids? Here are a few of my favorite childhood and adolescent summer memories I plan on sharing and re-living with mine:
1 ) S’mores, Quasi-camping, & Star-gazing. When I was around nine, my parents bought me a cool

astronomy set that would illuminate and reflect the stars and constellations onto my bedroom ceiling. I loved it! But nothing was better than watching the stars outdoors on cool summer nights while eating s’mores near a campfire. My own family wasn't big on camping (and I have to say BBH’s and my idea of camping is anywhere where there is a convenient, suitable restroom). But every year, I would get my “fix” of a quasi-camping experience at a dear family friend’s ranch. (I say quasi, because my family never spent the night, we just enjoyed the grub, socialized and yes, went back to our own cozy beds at the end of the night). Our friend would host this get-together and open up his ranch for many of his/our church friends to have dinner, enjoy each other’s company, and then camp overnight. It was here I had my first bite of the delectable s’more (insert angels singing in the back ground, pahhleease).  

2) Mixed tapes & Summer Journals- Ok, so we don’t have mixed tapes anymore (I’m dating myself here), but they were da bomb! (Heh heh...more dating here). Nothing was more fun that listening to some of my favorite summer tunes on my walk-man, like swanky ol’ Will Smith's Gettin’ jiggy it or may-he-ever-rest-in-peace 2-pac’s California love while writing about my latest fictitious, but ever-romantic summer gest, goals for the upcoming new school year, or maybe the deepest sentiments of my heart on that day. I hope that I can always encourage my kids to write down their hopes and dreams in journals... while listening to a mix tape, err…or I guess, a playlist, on their iPod, or cellphone, or whatever the heck is cool by then. 

           3)  “Sleep-unders”- In the summer, it was also the time for fun, memorable sleepovers with friends. While I, for the most part, had a good time at these, BBH and I have decided to forgo the favorite pastime for our littles. However, I recently heard about "Sleep-unders" which I think might be something we adopt in our house. For example, instead of an all-night sleep over, kids can invite their friends to come over in their pajamas, play fun games, eat yummy food ‘till their stomach hurts, maybe watch a movie, play all the "Mash" that they want and then poof! Before midnight, (and before everyone turns back into squeaky mice, fat pumpkins, or crazy walking-dead zombies), parents can come pick up their kiddos and everyone can go home and sleep in the comfort of their own beds. (I’m sure I might be deemed a party pooper to some and I know BBH and I know we will most likely suffer the forth-coming wrath of future teenagers Mini-me and My-girl, but I believe that sometimes parents have to make a judgment call on safety and have a bit more control over what our kids are exposed to in other people’s homes. The world is getting scarier, yo! Oh, and this article on courageous parenting also helped us with our choice).

       4) Water Nerf Gun wars and Swim parties. While we didn't have a pool in my house, there was always a friend who did and I have the BEST memories of playing Marco polo, chicken, shooting water guns at each other, and just enjoying the laziness of the day laying out in the warm sun.

      The best part of summers is that I can slooooww down and enjoy the simplest pleasures of life. At the end of each and every summer, I have learned to reflect on and love all of the serendipitous moments those summer days have given me. Those memories are what have made and continue to make my life rich with love and appreciation for my family and my children and make me ever-so excited to experience every summer after. 


  1. I loved your happy uplifting post. This was a lot closer to what I was aiming for in mine but just couldn't get to for some reason. I've been having a lot of thoughts on sleepovers as well- after seeing you pin that article on Pinterest. Definitely something to think about. I love the sleep under idea. Plus graham and Xander could invite your chickadees sometimes as well! Looooove yoooouuuj

  2. Thanks, Jess! I was going to post on yours, too as I loved it! I thought it was cool how you went through the different summer-stages of your life. And yeah, sleep overs and how to handle then have been in my mind for a while now. I know I still have a few years before they are brought up, but I figured I needed to have something in the mommy arsenal just in case the girls start asking. Ha ha!

  3. Loved it! Very fun and breezy! (: Captures summer in a maison jar! (;

  4. I totally agree with your no-sleepovers rule. My husband and I agreed on the same thing before we had our first child. He actually grew up with the rule in place in his home. I didn't, but I had wayyyyy too many friends in high school who used sleepovers to lie and sneak out at night to go to bad parties or do bad things to want to allow them for my children. The simple truth of the matter is you have no idea what happens at other people's homes over night, whether or not your child IS actually going to be there the whole night or sneak out, or what might happen if your child's friend has an older or near same-age sibling of the opposite sex and what might happen there (I actually had a friend in high school who was molested by one of her older brother's friends who was sleeping over). There are just too many scary possibilities out there nowadays. The world is getting crazier and crazier and it just seems easier and safer to us to know that our kids are safely in their own beds at night. Great post!

    1. So scary! I would so prefer for my child to be upset with me for a few years because of a rule that might seem strict or unfair rather than allowing them to enjoy more freedom as be put in unsafe situations. The only way I can imagine sleep overs are if I'm reallly good Frieda with the parents and I can sleepover too. Lol.

    2. Thanks for your comment, Sarah! You are so right! The saying "nothing good happens after midnight" always seemed right to me. ;-) From my experience, sleepovers can sometimes be a vehicle to introduce not only mischief, but possibly scarier predicaments from which we can't turn back (like your high school friend).

      When it comes to my children, I don't gamble and I'd rather be safe than sorry. I know I won't always be the popular mom. I want to make sure that their time is well spent in uplifting and fun environments, without peer pressure from kids who are up late at night, tired, and not using their best judgment. Peer pressure is so bad and I've seen a lot of well-meaning kids succumb to it!

  5. MIX TAPES! That, right there, sums up my childhood...okay my youth too...oh and my teenage years. Fine! I still make them (on CD anyway).

    Loved every single word of this post. :)


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